
OwlChooseJoy in 2016 beyond!                                                               by Shannon Meadows

Ooh-wee, what a journey I am working on for 2016 & beyond. I have let myself get into an awful habit, talking or thinking bad about myself and my life. I am sure you have done this a time or two as well and it will get in your mind and just snowball y’all! So I am choosing joy for my words, thoughts and actions for 2016 (& beyond).

We all have something to be thankful for everyday. Were you running late today? Um, yes, we have all been there, be thankful for this as it may have been a blessing in disguise. The Lord probably side stepped you from being in an accident, heavy rain, run in to a person you would rather not see, who knows, it is not for you or I to know why at this moment or possibly ever. Just be THANKFUL, choose joy in the moment, this is something I definitely am working on and progressing on daily (will I stumble, absolutely, just keep trying).

“in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (New American Standard Bible) (NASB)

Why have I chosen to do a blog? This year I have chosen joy as well as getting healthy. I led a Bible study at the church I attend about eating healthy, being active (movement), having faith, utilizing friends and being focused. I do not feel it went the way I wanted it too, but God is the one who gave me this vision and calling to lead this particular study so you know it went the way He wanted it too. So we finished the study up in October 2015 and chose to begin the 40 day challenge on January 4, 2016. It is a struggle, however, with praying, having faith, being persistent & not giving up, I will make progress. So with this being said (long story short) I saw a Facebook post about being a Schwinn Ambassador, ummm, yes, please. I have great joy when I can ride a bike, it takes me back to childhood, teaching my daughter how to ride as well as being an adult just escaping from everyday adult things for just a few moments in time. One of the my fitness, healthier goals this year is to be able to ride without being worn out. It’ll be baby steps, but by the Grace of God, I will be able to do this exercise (movement). You are now witness to my  faith, fitness & helping me on my way to becoming a Schwinn Ambassador!

Thank you for moments of your time as I hope this will help you choose joy in 2016!

Shannon (owlchoosejoy@hotmail.com)





One thought on “About

  1. This is great Shannon.
    I think you will encourage and delight us all with your blog.
    I to love biking and have a Trek Multitrack 7100.
    I would love to ride with you sometime in the spring.

    Liked by 1 person

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